Hello there! It's been quite a while now since I've updated the last post. So, what have I been doing since you last heard from me? Well, I took a very long hiatus from writing music. Too long, in fact. I kinda just got... busy with things. I finished my music degree (and a journalism degree), and I went to grad school. For marketing. I then moved from Alabama all the way out to Seattle (ish), and I work full-time at a large casual game developer as a small dog (customer support and such). But I truly love my new job, and I love the games industry to death - so I don't mind at all.
Many of you probably have wondered where I have gone, or if I fell off the face of the earth musically. I did for a while. I didn't think about music so much as I thought about graphic design, or surviving grad school. I thought it was just a part of my past, and then the s*** hit the fan, and I realized something: something was missing. I couldn't put my finger on it, but I was extremely unhappy. I even felt sick for reasons I couldn't explain.
And then, I opened Logic Pro and it hit me: I had been missing something all along. Composing music was a part of who I was just as my hands were an extension of my arm, or my big nose was a part of my face.
So I decided to do something. I made an investment in myself.
I dropped a s***-ton of money on some good sound samples, and I started to write again. I spent hours writing music (at some points forgetting to eat and coming out of it in near starvation), and I started to feel whole again - alive even.
Now I'm back! So hear me out (literally). Don't ever stop doing what you love, just because you think that you don't have time for it. As an old friend once told me, you make time for the things you love. I recently hit 50 audio uploads on the Newgrounds portal, and I'm going for another 50 more!
So with that, feel free to follow my progress. Check out my Newgrounds collection, and follow me on SoundCloud!
Also, if you love Zelda music, I have something special for you then:
The Imprisoning War - The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past Remix
Tiara (smartpoetic)
Nothing excites me more when someone is doing what they love doing, it always makes living and surviving a little better, inspires me to create right now. Next goal: 100 hehe, one step at a time, best of luck with everything smartpoetic :)
To 100 or bust! :D Thanks saucybird - let's both knock 'em out of the park! :)